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The employment
You must have completed a tour of the facility by your immediate manager no later than one week after your employment. Good knowledge of the facility is very important regardless of which department you work in. 


Time reporting
When you start your work shift, you sign in to our time accounting system at what is called the staff check-in desk on the 2nd floor outside the staff canteen. You sign in when your work clothes are on and you are ready for duty. Stamping takes place with work clothes on and when you are ready to go and change into your private clothes. The Swedish Tax Agency can at any time check who works at the company. If it happens that such a check is carried out and someone in the personnel staff is not stamped in, a check fee is charged. This fee will be charged to the person in question through a salary deduction of the corresponding amount. In the event of complications with check-in and check-out, the personnel manager must be contacted immediately. 

Time reports are compiled on the 5th of each month and then checked by the hotel manager. Any deviations such as holidays and sick leave are noted. 


Certificate of employment
Certificate of employment is awarded at the start of employment. Probationary employment takes place for 6 months and then transitions to permanent employment. 


Work schedule/Times/Leave
The schedule is set at least 2 weeks in advance depending on the department, any changes in the schedule may occur depending on occupancy. Changes and changes to work shifts must be approved in advance by the department head. The application for leave must be made well in advance (3 weeks). Leave is applied for in writing to the head of department. 
When on leave, we must strive for zero vision, which means that staff who are on leave must not be contacted with job questions. We try to solve problems and questions together with colleagues on site as far as possible.  


Salary is paid on the 20th of each month in arrears. When you have registered your social security number in the personnel register, you will automatically receive an email where you can write down your contact details and bank account number.

If you worked a red day, had a holiday or were sick, this must be noted under salary/worked time -> current month -> leave a message in the personnel check for payment. If you have not worked at all for a whole month, then you must email to let them know if, for example, you want to take vacation, have been sick for a longer period, etc. If you have not worked during the entire month, we will not see your listing. 


If probationary employment is terminated prematurely, the employer/Employee must notify the employee/Employer of this at least 2 weeks in advance. Termination must be in writing. 


Sick leave - Permanent employee 
If you fall ill, it is important that you contact your head of department so that we can find a replacement. A cut-off day applies for sick leave, i.e. no sick pay will be paid on the first day, after that for a maximum of 14 days, Hotell Södra Berget will pay your sick pay. In the case of sick pay days 2-14, sick pay is paid for scheduled working hours only if you entered sick days in the personnel log during the current month. In case of illness after day 14, a medical certificate must be sent to the payroll office for sick pay to be paid, then your sick pay will be paid from the insurance fund. Sick pay amounts to 80% of your regular salary. 
Sickness certificate is emailed to  


Staff food is served in the kitchen and eaten in a separate staff dining room on level 2. (Next to the stamp clock)

If you work four hours or more, a food allowance is deducted from your salary. (Benefit taxation) 

Staff food is not served to staff in their free time or on days off. 


Respect each other's workplaces!

It is not permitted to stay in the serving aisles, kitchen, cold bar, reception during your free time. 

Lending of food, alcohol, cars or technical equipment is prohibited. 

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